So much to do
And it goes without saying- so little time. I'm currently working on a chunky book swap. Have a couple mock ups done- waiting for them to dry to see which I like better, then I'll live with it for a little bit & pick the one I want to make for the swap. They are very similar- just little differences, but even now- I'm leaning towards one- so I suppose that's the one. I'll scan & post soon.
Part of my problem right now is that my work area is a complete disaster. As a matter of fact- since the same things are sitting on my table- seems I'm using them in all my pieces. The really old book- The Count of Monte Cristo from the late 1800's, a set of alpha stamps, beads & headpins. Guess it's time to do some switching around & cleaning up. Well- I'm going to try to do a deco or two while I wait for some paint to dry.