Spare Time Designs by Stacie

A journal of my artful journey.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Great Thrift store finds today!

My art friend Tammy is hosting an altered purse swap on our Mixed Media group. I've been in & out of several thrift stores looking for a purse to alter. I also had an idea about making one from a pair of young girl's jeans. Well- today I got a couple of pairs of jeans, a couple of purses to alter, a little mirror thing to alter (I'm thinking kid's pictures & putting it by the front door) & my favorite find......a vintage suitcase, well- the cosmetic case. I was so excited. It's old, and blue & in pretty decent shape considering. I'm looking forward to having some time to alter this little treasure. I think it'll be great to hold some art supplies. I've got some ideas for both the inside & outside. I'll post pix as I go along the process. Very excited about this!

Back to binding.......


At 1:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a vintage cosmetic case, or maybe a liquor case, that I have been wanting to alter and use for art supplies too. I saw this somewhere, but where or where was it. The case stunk so bad when I bought it I had to put baking soda in it and leave it out in the sun for about a month. It still has a little bit of a "scent" to it. Must need some liquour thrown into it. LOL
The reason I bought this case was becauase I had seen a tole painting project where the artist had painted a suitcase. I just had to do that! So I was on the hunt for old suitcases. I have now owned four old suitcases for at least 3 years that remain UNPAINTED! I was bit by the deco bug and put down my paint brushes.


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